Travel - England, Mexico City ....

A trip to England years ago, outside Sally Lunn's.   

Here is a link to a  recipe for Sally Lunn bread if you want to give it a try.

Charles still did not develop a taste for tea.  

However they came home with a love for scones, clotted cream 

and began our holiday tradition of Christmas Village stoneware

 that we will cherish in the years to come.

Our family recipe for scones 

came from the Oakland Cafe in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  

When packing to move from Milwaukee to Indiana 

Diana charmed the recipe from the Chef, promising never to share it.  

The restaurant is no longer there 

but the promise remains intact.   


Charlie in Mexico City
Taking time to be a tourist before the wedding of Chuck Jr and Maritza.  
One of their highlights was visiting Frida Kahlo's home.

Diana and Martha (sister)

Mexico City - Wedding
